Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Whose responsibility is it?

We complain about the number of teenage pregnancies and school dropouts…but what else can you expect from children who grew up alone while their mother’s cleaned our homes and their father’s worked in our mines? 
We complain about miners dying from silicosis, but what other jobs are there? How else can you support your family? 
We moan about the unemployed not doing something, but wouldn't we choose relying on the community for support rather than hard labour if you have never had to learn what it means to hold down a constant job.  
We complain about a lethargy and disorganization in our public service, but what else can we expect from a largely uneducated population? 
Knowing nothing will change, nothing will improve. How would u deal with the boredom?
We say it isn’t our responsibility, we didn’t create apartheid.

We just benefitted from it. Whose responsibility is it then?
- SE Enslin

Monday, July 28, 2014


Crustal mosque bike ride...rm30 per hour hiring fee we were later to find out!


Finally we saw the sunrise 
Before our early morning bike ride
To edit or not to edit?
And the crystal mosque

And boats for dad 

And yummy French toast just outside china town

321daysofselfies cont

I asked my husband for a fire on the beach and look what i got :)

321daysofselfies cont

Chillin on the rocks at the end of the peer

Thursday, July 24, 2014


Scott's mudhzam shah moment...on the way to work


On the seesaw


On the concrete motorbike at the park...before sneakily dropping off our chicken fat kebabs in the bushes for the cats


moments of Islam - finally figured out the green arrow in the hotel rooms points to Mecca; TV adverts acting out how Ramadan is a time of forgiveness and starting afresh; sexual bits being cut out of movies...robert deniro on the floor; hiding food during Ramadan; covering my shoulders and knees; NO PUBLIC AFFECTION; walking in the heat to find food at 7/11 cause nothing else is open! 

Saturday, July 19, 2014