Saturday, September 20, 2014


Making our home nice
My broaches
What to do with my back brace! (holding up the speaker)
Two things I never thought I would see next to each other on a store shelf


Who am I sharing a coke with?

Afrikaans is everywhere (restaurant in the subway)

Advert for real addresses for virtual businesses!

Motivation for Kendal and I with our new book
In our nandos lemon and herb chicken


Last day eating toast with peanut butter and condensed milk and making small talk with locals

Sad to be leaving


Arriving on Lamma island…we thought these bikes were for hire, but actually they belong to commuters who take the ferry to work! No cars on the island

Walk/hike around the island…vegetation reminded us of CT…temp was about 32 when we arrived at 9:50am…the first time Scott has willingly used my parasol :-)

View of the most expensive seafood restaurants!
Floating village

The nice side of the beach…best waves we have seen in Asia
The power station side of the beach

Chinese temple


Subway ride

Night out to market street
Dodgey Chinese restaurant…tried not to look into the kitchen!


Roller coaster bus ride to Stanley

They love their dogs in Stanley

The pier
Local restaurants across the way…and Stanley market with lots of souvenirs

Stanley temple

And more silliness


Beautiful buildings

This is made of pencils!

Light show without music...we didn't download the app


Stairs to escalators

Mid-levels escalator ride in the rain (literally, escalators connecting different suburbs…except they are one way…you have to walk back :( )

Art museum…exhibition of past Chinese artists living in Paris

Avenue of the stars