Thursday, July 30, 2015


Yay that Love Food in braamfontein is open before 8am and is on the bus route!
Needed a latte to help me read through last paper

Amazing clouds during afternoon walk

2015-7-26 Sundays

Lunch in the sun but freezing cold breeze at stoneridge. Followed by wendyhouse browsing

Monday, July 27, 2015

2015-7-27 Living in South Africa

Why do we live in fear in South Africa?

- Cause we don't see the beggar at the robot as a person just like me?

- Cause insurance companies have convinced us we live in a war zone and therefore need maximum coverage?

- Because rich people need something to fear since the revolution never happened?

- Cause as South Africa's we love to cling to the horror stories and think it must be happening everywhere

It took me living in South East Asia to realise that I didn't see the people there as people and therefore was afraid of them. Once I broke down those barriers my fear was gone. And I want to bring that home to South I can enjoy community and a helping hand.

When you realise we are all equal 
- You realise that every second person is not going to attack you

- You pull over to give the old lady carrying heavy bags a lift, cause you wouldn't want your own gran to have to struggle like that

- You smile at the old man on the street cause you wouldn't want your dad to be in the same position after so many years of hard work

- You don't give to the beggar cause you know that if you did the same to your brother it would also perpetuate an attitude of entitlement and take away the need to work or create your own opportunities for wouldn't give out of guilt

- You say hello to the teller and security guard at the shops cause you know your sister and brother would be tired if they had to work such long shifts

2015-7-25 Saturdays

What a day! Our first park run at modderfontein in the freezing cold. Then rushing home to shower and eat so we can get to chess and computers at the library (with Sonia visiting to chat about her project).

Then some DIY

Then rugby on the couch with my Laptop to finish off the mobilize business plan on Babele

And a great dinner and games with the cousins

Friday, July 24, 2015

Sunday, July 19, 2015

2015-7-17 Friday night fun

Norwood market

Learning magic at the coffee shop while listening to western music played by rusta musos

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Saturday, July 11, 2015

2015-7-11 timeless board games evening

2015-7-9 Last day :(

Winburg Hotel

2015-7-8 drive home

Playing cards at wimpy

Long day of driving

2915-7-7 Tuesday - last day

Some 3d virtual jazz at the standard bank stall

Some good old Shakespeare...Richard the third, with a twist (his newly discovered bones)

Snoozing in the rec room

Sadly a no show at the jazz tent


Peter-dirk uys


The postit wall

2015-7-6 Monday in grahamstown

Old man and the sea with tarryn in it!

After a very miserable run through the rain we watched 1606 at the city hall. A moving tribute to the victims of the Soweto uprisings. The show started with the actors coming out of the theatre singing...very powerful

Followed by a yummy Italian dinner and then very unusual african dance performance about the absurdity of black magic

2015-7-5 more shows

Morning at the market

Walking to venue

Teacher comedian before lunch

Walk around the African market and fanfare

Lunch on a pee smelling couch by the fire

Nap time

Andrew buckland...the men seemed to like it, the ladies not so much

Dinner on the hill followed by prank calls at wakkaberries

Jazz orchestra...cramped up against the side curtains

Then Dylan Moran


Saturday, July 4, 2015