Friday, June 15, 2018

20180615 free town, museum and riding to see sights

After an afternoon of sight seeing Beth did NOT want to get back in her bike seat. After negotiations, she agreed she would if she could eat everything (sweeties, biscuits, strawberries and bananas) when she got home, and watch everything (including uncle dancing, I.e. any dance video on youtube ever)

Well she made it through another 45 min of sight seeing cycling with only two cries. One when she fell asleep on the bike and was rudely awoken at a traffic light and her bottle was empty. Second was when mom dropped her phone and dad didn't realise and rode off, and Beth didn't know where mom was.

I was very impressed. Kids are hard core!

And to a husband Scott Enslin who kept his cool while mom was trying to kill the family by cycling on the wrong side of the road...what would we do without you?

20180614 aquarium and park fun

Another full day at the conference so Beth and Scott went off to the aquarium. Beth was a bit antsy so we spent the evening in the park

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

20180613 community play hall and a night out with colleagues

Wednesday 13th was the day everyone presented at the conference. So it was a full day. Scott and Beth went off to a kids community centre. In the evening the woke group went out for Indian food

20180611 cycling and sleeping at coffee shops

Took a bike ride to the old side of town with the beautiful coloured buildings along the canal. Beth slept in the coffee shop for two hours! And then was not very happy with bicycle riding after that. So we went back and I went to the conference opening and Scott and Beth played in the park

20180612 park in downtown

Beth was awake from 2:30-6 so we slept late! Then went to find a starbucks in the old side of town so I could get a greentea latte. The latte was terrible cause it had no sugar! But we found a cool square nearby where Beth played in the water and a park where Beth played on the jungle gyms. On the way back to the subway we found a korean food van and had some yummy lunch. I went off to the conference for a Women in Geophysics and Engineering session. Afterwards we walked the streets of the old side of town and ate Mcdonalds along the canal